
The examples/configuration directory includes a sample file that can be edited. switchmap-ng assumes all files in this directory, or any other specified configuration directory, only contains switchmap-ng configuration files. Most user will only need to edit the three files supplied.

You must place your configuration file in the etc/ directory as your permanent configuration file location.

Sample Configuration File

Here is a sample configuration file that will be explained later in detail. switchmap-ng will attempt to contact hosts with each of the parameter sets in the snmp_group section till successful.

    log_directory: /home/switchmap-ng/log
    log_level: info
    cache_directory: /opt/switchmap-ng/cache
    agent_subprocesses: 20
    bind_port: 7000
    polling_interval: 86400

    - group_name: Corporate Campus
      snmp_version: 3
      snmp_secname: woohoo
      snmp_port: 161
      snmp_authprotocol: sha
      snmp_authpassword: testing123
      snmp_privprotocol: des
      snmp_privpassword: secret_password

    - group_name: Remote Sites
      snmp_version: 3
      snmp_secname: foobar
      snmp_port: 161
      snmp_authprotocol: sha
      snmp_authpassword: testing123
      snmp_privprotocol: aes
      snmp_privpassword: secret_password

The main: Section

This is the section of the configuration file that governs the general operation of switchmap-ng. Here is how it is configured.

Parameter Description
main: YAML key describing the server configuration.
log_directory: The directory where switchmap-ng places its log files
log_level: Defines the logging level. debug level is the most verbose, followed by info, warning and critical
cache_directory: Location where data retrieved from devices will be stored.
agent_subprocesses: The maximum number of subprocesses used to collect data from devices
listen_address: IP address the API will be using. The default is localhhost. This should not need to be changed.
bind_port: The TCP port the API will use. This should not need to be changed.
hostnames: A list of hosts that will be polled for data.
polling_interval: The frequency in seconds with which the poller will query devices

The snmp_groups: Section

This is the section of the configuration file that governs the SNMP credentials to be used to retrieve data from devices. You can have multiple groups, each with a separate group_name. This is how switchmap-ng uses this information.

  1. switchmap-ng will attempt to use each set of group credentials until it is successful. It will skip devices that it cannot authenticate against or reach.
  2. switchmap-ng will keep track of the most recently used credentials to successfully obtain data and will use these credentials first.
Parameter Description
snmp_groups: YAML key describing groups of SNMP authentication parameter. All parameter groups are listed under this key.
group_name: Descriptive name for the group
snmp_version: SNMP version. Must be present even if blank. Only SNMP versions 2 and 3 are supported by the project.
snmp_secname: SNMP security name (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_community: SNMP community (SNMP version 2 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_port: SNMP Authprotocol (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_authprotocol: SNMP AuthPassword (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_authpassword: SNMP PrivProtocol (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_privprotocol: SNMP PrivProtocol (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_privpassword: SNMP PrivPassword (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_port: SNMP UDP port